Management & Licenses
The Manley Village Hall Management Committee
The Committee
Manley Village Hall is run by a Management Committee made up of seven elected members (elected at the AGM) and up to 12 representatives of the hall's user groups and three co-opted members. The current committee members were elected at the AGM in October 2024, with the following officers:
Chair: Ian Walton -
Bookings: Vacant
Treasurer: Phil Brook
Parish Council Rep: Pam Brook
Elected Committee Members: Colin Ford, Frank Wright, Ian Walton, Phil Brook, Pam Brook. (Two vacancies)
Co-opted Committee Members: Dave Lee (Social Club)
Governing Document
Manley Village Hall is a registered charity and as such has has a governing document (known as a scheme) which lays down the rules for the running of the hall. This document was registered with the Secretary of State in 1965.
The current trustees are working to ensure this document is adhered to. The full scheme can be viewed here: Manley Village Hall Governing Document (last amended April 2011), but the objects states:
“The object of the foundation shall be the provision and maintenance of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of Manley and the neighbourhood without distinction of sex or of political, religious or other opinions, and in particular for use for meetings, lectures and classes, and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of the life of said inhabitants.”
Terms of Reference for Clubs
The following documents set out the Terms of Reference between the Manley Village Hall Management Committee and the clubs that make use of the Hall's facilities:
Opening and License Details
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday: 09:00 to 00:00
Friday & Saturday: 09:00 to 00:30
Sunday: 09:00 to 23:30
Alcohol License
Monday to Thursday: 10:00 to 23:30
Friday & Saturday: 10:00 to 00:00
Sunday: 10:00 to 23:00
Only alcohol served at the Hall can be consumed at the premise.
Making Music License
Monday to Thursday: 10:00 to 23:30
Friday & Saturday: 10:00 to 23:30
Sunday: 10:00 to 22:00
Recorded Music License
Monday to Thursday: 09:00 to 00:00
Friday & Saturday: 09:00 to 00:30
Sunday: 09:00 to 23:00
Dance License
Monday to Thursday: 09:00 to 00:00
Friday & Saturday: 09:00 to 00:30
Sunday: 09:00 to 23:00
Performance of Dance License
Monday to Thursday: 10:00 to 23:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:00 to 00:00
Sunday: 10:00 to 23:00
Plays License
Monday to Thursday: 10:00 to 23:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:00 to 00:00
Sunday: 10:00 to 23:00
Film License
Monday to Thursday: 10:00 to 23:30
Friday & Saturday: 10:00 to 00:00
Sunday: 10:00 to 23:00